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Price Guarantee

We guarantee that you are purchasing at the lowest prices.

Our trust in quality and low prices is non-negotiable. To the fullest extent, we guarantee that if you find the same product from the same manufacturer or factory at a lower price from another company, we will refund you the price difference.

However, there are some cases where we exclude the right to a money-back guarantee. You can find them here:

1. When the product differs from ours in terms of its type.
2. When it does not exhibit the same high-quality construction as our product.
3. When the product is offered on sale by another company.
4. When it comes from a different country of origin with a cheaper currency.
5. When it is used or when the seller is not a company and sells the product individually.
6. When the store from which you are purchasing is consistently discounting (such as an outlet or discount store).

With these limitations, we provide you with the utmost assurance of the quality and prices of the products you purchase from us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you didn't find what you're looking for, please contact us or create a new inquiry. Our average response time is one business day.

A refund is eligible when you find exactly the same product in another company with the same currency and it is not a discount store or has a discount on that specific product.

All the conditions are available on the "Price Guarantee" page.

Yes, there are limitations. For example, cases where the product differs from ours in terms of its type or does not have the same high quality of construction.

More conditions can be found on the "Price Guarantee" page.

You need to contact us and provide the necessary details and evidence for us to evaluate your request.

You can contact us through the contact form found on the "Customer Support and Contact" page.